The Ozark Trail: A Guide to Hiking Missouri’s Mountains

For this hike, we’ll continue north on the Blair Creek, Karkaghen, and Middle Fork John Roth sections. Lastly, I haven’t yet had a chance to test its waterproofing in a huge down-pouring of rain, but it did hold up in some strong winds surprisingly well. Future users may want to seal or waterproof the seams a little better. Backpacking Light helps hikers and other backcountry enthusiasts overcome their barriers to living a life outside in Wild Places. Choose this pack if you prefer a smaller yet spacious design, as it has useful features and the durability of larger options.

With the added height of an inflatable pillow and sleeping pad my head height was indeed close to the curvature of the tent ceiling but there was still enough room. I did have a few inches along the edge for some clothes, a water bottle, and a headlamp, but that could have been made wider with a narrower sleeping pad. It was one of those planned events in 2020 that was delayed for years, from what else, but the Covid-19 pandemic. Since the trip was three years in the making, the anticipation was doubly intense.

Always treat any water for drinking and cooking along the trail. Specific water sources are indicated on Ozark Trail online and printed maps. A great way to ask questions of like-minded outdoor enthusiasts is to check out the Ozark Trail Section Hikers and Backpackers  (OTSHAB) Facebook page. You’ll find numerous advocates eager to answer your questions and aid you in planning your thru-hike. They might be able to assist in arranging a shuttle. A perk of hiking lesser-traveled trails are fewer (or non-existent) permits and parking fees.

Material is durable and will stand up to heavy duty use. I carried this daypack back n forth on a trail to the shower while camping. The bag stayed in place on my back using the sternum strap. Just about every other daypack I’ve had falls apart under the weight of my books (med school). I also like the fact that for my outdoor activities, it’s designed to hold a hydration bladder. It even has a rain cover built in, which is great when I’m riding my bicycle across town on a rainy day.

I chose these coolers because they were the closest among the brands when it came to internal storage. It’s a working document that I update from time to time. I must interject a note about coffee here as I consider it essential! I sometimes use Mount Hagen instant, but you end up with a small wrapper to carry out. My tastiest morning brew involves using espresso grind coffee and leaves no trash to carry out.

There is a lack of reinforcement on the pack’s taffeta bottom, though. Shoulder straps are lightweight mesh-lined with very little padding. One of the best parts of backpacking is settling around a campfire and enjoying a hot dinner after a long day of hiking. You may find it helpful to make a list of meals for each day you are out on the trail to ensure that you are not over- or under-packing for your trip. On shore, hikers, backpackers, equestrians and bicyclists can wind through open woodlands, sunny glades, small springs and streams to blufftop views of the Lake of the Ozarks.

The umbrella gives me a little roof to walk under, but it’s not for everybody. I’ve also used a poncho which kept my upper body dry, but I still get clammy. For me, planning campsites involves guesswork and looking at topographical maps. I cut post-it notes into strips and stick them to the map where I think we might camp. I move them around while planning, sometimes even after changes are made while on the trail.

This cooler is not only smaller in its overall size but also a fraction of the price of the competition. Pelican is a newer entry in to the world of rotomolded coolers and have taken their own spin on design and function. Overall the Pelican coolers have sharper edges and a bit more of an industrial feel than the competition.

This same toe was a problem earlier on the Ouachita Trail, but I tolerated the discomfort on both trips. A reader emailed several good questions while preparing for a backpacking trip on the Ozark ozark trail chair Highlands Trail. I enjoy responding to these type of inquiries and decided to write this post. Some 1-person tents will have two major spars or spines that cross for the main support structure.

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